Mykyta Komarov

Junior Web Developer

Meow. Hi! I am web developer from Kharkiv, Ukraine. Worked on telegram bots and simple web applications using Python, Node.js, JavaScript, React.js. I love web development and enjoy implementing great ideas.


Python, Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, aiohttp, aiogram

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, React.js (basic)

MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Docker, Git


Full Stack Python developer

Department App

  • Came up with the design.
  • Implemented Front-end with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed backend using Flask and Flask-RESTful. Created database with MySQL.
  • Created Unit tests. Configured CI/CD using CircleCI. Enabled code quality metrics calculation.
Python developer

BSC bot

  • Came at with the idea
  • Implemented main functionality using aiogram. Used MongoDB for database.
  • Performed integration with external service using aiohttp and GraphQL query for getting blockchain data.
  • Made integration with external service Google Analytics 4.
Full Stack Python developer


  • Came up with the design.
  • Made frontend part with HTML, CSS and JS.
  • Created backend with Django and SQLite.
  • Deployed to Heroku.



Computer Science

Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics



Advanced Python

LinkedIn Learning


Advanced Python: Working with Databases

LinkedIn Learning


Russian (native)

Ukrainian (native)

English (intermediate)